
I am professor of philosophy at the University of Maine. For the past 8 years, I have taken on a series of administrative roles on my campus.

I am also a certified clinical ethicist with 15 years of experience consulting with health care systems, hospitals, physician practices, attorneys, medical and other professional associations, news media, and state and local governments.

I am a professional career and executive academic coach, with over 75 hours of education and training and over 150 hours of coaching.

I have served UMaine as department chair, associate dean, and associate provost.

For 2023-2024 year, I am teaching a range of courses in philosophy, and also helping to coordinate UMaine’s EMPOWER mentoring program as Research Fellow for Faculty Development for the Office of the Vice President for Research.

My research and teaching interests include clinical ethics, medical humanities, moral psychology, feminist theory, popular culture.


Articles from UMaine Today:

Email me at jessicamillermaine@gmail.com

Published by Jessica

professor, mom, avid reader